Tuesday, October 1, 2013

August and September Outtakes

Last time I did the monthly outtakes, I saved the worst for last. And I didn't like it. So this time, we're starting off with the bad news.

The Bad

Summer ended...meaning work started. So long summer!
During the Fall of 2009, I went to Jerusalem for a study abroad. Every year when fall rolls around, I miss Jeru SO MUCH. I miss the people, the food, and mostly the sense of peace I had while there. Working on getting that back. Here's a few of my favorite pictures. 
 {in front of the pyramids in egypt} 
{dome of the rock with the greatest group of girls}
{beautiful sunrise after hiking mount sinai}

Now, this next bad one isn't necessarily bad for me. It's bad for you...for our whole country. I'm worried for what lies ahead. The future leaders of America wrote these answers on a 5th grade states/capitals test.  

little mexico. for reals.

The Good

Went to Hawaii for 2 WEEKS with my family in August...and Kauai is absolutely one of my favorite places on earth.
Celebrate our THIRD anniversary - we're old! :] We went to Le Creperie (where we went on our first date) and Disneyland.
Didn't drink one drop of soda the ENTIRE month of September! 
And finally....Dave got into the academy!!! He was hired with the OC Sheriff's, and started on September 23rd. We are both so excited (and nervous)! It is six months long - lots of studying, lots of physical exertion, and LOTS of writing reports. 

Now that it's October, I can officially break out the Halloween decorations! And this picture. 

Happy October!


  1. Dying! I'm changing New Mexico's capital to Little Mexico from now on. :)

  2. haha,.... SHELLEY, that pic.... made me laugh so hard

    1. :] it is just so hideous haha by the way, how are you???? when does the baby come??

  3. Little Mexico. Hahahaha. Have to give that kid credit for trying. :) I love every time you post; I wish you would post more!
